Company Locales

These are the locales owned and operated by this company. Please don't forget that when a locale runs out of money, the people employed there won't get their salary and they'll quit their jobs and perhaps even trash the locale. Also, if the condition falls to the bottom the locale can collapse at any given moment.

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Locales Cash Quality Condition
No Alibi 439701841 43,970,184.10 M$ 40 98
Wild Wind 5205423 520,542.30 M$ 10 99
Wild Wind AMSTERDAM 9597393 959,739.30 M$ 50 99
Wild Wind ANKARA 3989309 398,930.90 M$ 50 98
Wild Wind ANTALYA 3633565 363,356.50 M$ 50 98
Wild Wind BAKÜ 3987682 398,768.20 M$ 50 99
Wild Wind BARSELONA 5304804 530,480.40 M$ 50 99
Wild Wind BELGRAD 4174714 417,471.40 M$ 50 97
Wild Wind BERLİN 4473290 447,329.00 M$ 50 99
Wild Wind BRÜKSEL 3661258 366,125.80 M$ 50 99
Wild Wind BUDAPEŞTE 3600171 360,017.10 M$ 50 100
Wild Wind BUENOS 2659718 265,971.80 M$ 50 98
Wild Wind BÜKREŞ 3842798 384,279.80 M$ 50 99
Wild Wind CAKARTA 3768555 376,855.50 M$ 50 99
Wild Wind DUBROVNİK 3721930 372,193.00 M$ 50 99
Wild Wind GLASKOW 2506533 250,653.30 M$ 50 98
Wild Wind HELSİNKİ 4075263 407,526.30 M$ 50 99
Wild Wind İSTANBUL 3596855 359,685.50 M$ 50 99
Wild Wind İZMİR 4211490 421,149.00 M$ 50 98
Wild Wind JOHNNSBRG 3881882 388,188.20 M$ 50 100
Wild Wind KİEV 3174957 317,495.70 M$ 50 99
Wild Wind KOPENHAG 3590072 359,007.20 M$ 50 97
Wild Wind LONDRA 2560098 256,009.80 M$ 50 100
Wild Wind LOS ANGELES 5916209 591,620.90 M$ 50 97
Wild Wind MADRİD 4240810 424,081.00 M$ 50 96
Wild Wind MANİLA 3163761 316,376.10 M$ 50 97
Wild Wind MELBOURNE 3549108 354,910.80 M$ 50 100
Wild Wind MEXİCO 2855976 285,597.60 M$ 50 97
Wild Wind MİLAN 4404133 440,413.30 M$ 50 99
Wild Wind MONTREAL 3715485 371,548.50 M$ 50 100
Wild Wind MOSKOVA 4027154 402,715.40 M$ 50 98
Wild Wind NASHVİLLE 3283587 328,358.70 M$ 50 100
Wild Wind NEW YORK 2424970 242,497.00 M$ 50 99
Wild Wind PARİS 3808916 380,891.60 M$ 50 99
Wild Wind PORTO 3688765 368,876.50 M$ 50 100
Wild Wind RİO DJ 8712145 871,214.50 M$ 50 96
Wild Wind ROMA 3764174 376,417.40 M$ 50 99
Wild Wind ŞANGAY 2653812 265,381.20 M$ 50 98
Wild Wind SAO PAULO 4324404 432,440.40 M$ 50 99
Wild Wind SARAYBOSNA 3549213 354,921.30 M$ 50 97
Wild Wind SEATTLE 2220727 222,072.70 M$ 50 99
Wild Wind ŞİKAGO 2406579 240,657.90 M$ 50 97
Wild Wind SİNGAPUR 4297006 429,700.60 M$ 50 99
Wild Wind SOFYA 4379147 437,914.70 M$ 50 97
Wild Wind STOKHOLM 2445462 244,546.20 M$ 50 98
Wild Wind TALLİNN 3907650 390,765.00 M$ 50 99
Wild Wind TOKYO 3906316 390,631.60 M$ 50 98
Wild Wind TORONTO 3135680 313,568.00 M$ 50 99
Wild Wind TROMSO 3052347 305,234.70 M$ 50 99
Wild Wind VARŞOVA 3302939 330,293.90 M$ 50 99
Wild Wind VİLNİUS 3532043 353,204.30 M$ 50 100