Heavy Metal SP Comp. Schedule

This page shows you the scheduled shows of contestants in this competition.

Date Artist
12/2/2007, 2:00 PM jullyrockgirl bottom dwelling
12/3/2007, 8:00 PM Dire Wolf great
12/4/2007, 2:00 PM DeriDevil horrendous
12/5/2007, 8:00 PM Umf! Failed
12/6/2007, 12:00 AM ^*Los zeta Reticuli*^ below average
12/6/2007, 6:00 PM Paul Mc Bartney splendid
12/6/2007, 8:00 PM SABIRSIZ Failed
12/6/2007, 10:00 PM Galaxy Travelers splendid
12/7/2007, 2:00 PM Diels-Alder ryhmä poor
12/7/2007, 8:00 PM SWAC below average
12/8/2007, 12:00 AM Indication mediocre
12/8/2007, 4:00 PM MALA HIERBA nice
12/8/2007, 6:00 PM .HellGate. poor
12/8/2007, 8:00 PM kika_lewiz Failed
12/8/2007, 10:00 PM º DarkWatch º dreadful
12/9/2007, 12:00 AM Fenrisulfr awesome