Save the Children - Pop/Berlin Schedule

This page shows you the scheduled shows of contestants in this competition.

Date Artist
9/24/2006, 12:00 PM Chia nice
9/24/2006, 2:00 PM Sakaki above average
9/24/2006, 4:00 PM Formerly THB splendid
9/24/2006, 6:00 PM Unknown band above average
9/24/2006, 8:00 PM ŁŶČĂŇŢĤЯŎPĘ below average
9/24/2006, 10:00 PM The Strange Portrait Lady Failed
9/25/2006, 12:00 PM The Lost Girls nice
9/25/2006, 2:00 PM Stairway to heaven incredible
9/25/2006, 4:00 PM Vagabond Effect great
9/25/2006, 6:00 PM JC El Salvador above average
9/25/2006, 8:00 PM Mamadonna good
9/25/2006, 10:00 PM Sue's band above average
9/26/2006, 12:00 PM The treasure of Jasmine mediocre
9/26/2006, 2:00 PM Clara Muller poor
9/26/2006, 4:00 PM Moleski and the Mini Moles Failed
9/26/2006, 6:00 PM Salvador Corporate above average
9/26/2006, 10:00 PM Cruel (wo)man pleasant
9/27/2006, 2:00 PM Kristen splendid
9/27/2006, 8:00 PM Eva & Emanuela Fuentes splendid
9/28/2006, 4:00 PM Carlton Cooley sweet
9/28/2006, 6:00 PM Emily Williams revolutionary
9/28/2006, 8:00 PM тату pleasant
9/29/2006, 12:00 PM Angel of Misfortune pleasant
9/29/2006, 2:00 PM Mohjo poor
9/29/2006, 4:00 PM lèvres soyeuses above average
9/29/2006, 6:00 PM ♫ Wind of Silence♫ below average
9/29/2006, 8:00 PM Vivian Whittington nice
9/29/2006, 10:00 PM The Roosters Failed
9/30/2006, 12:00 PM Pang! below average
9/30/2006, 6:00 PM Sky Limit pleasant
9/30/2006, 8:00 PM Creeping Lilies sweet
9/30/2006, 10:00 PM Conny Imagica below average