IV Certamen Flamenco en El Sacromonte Schedule

This page shows you the scheduled shows of contestants in this competition.

Date Artist
3/28/2010, 12:00 PM Viaje a la Luna wonderful
3/28/2010, 2:00 PM Performu-Aşk Failed
3/28/2010, 10:00 PM Tutumpac dreadful
3/31/2010, 8:00 PM ***Tuana*** wonderful
4/2/2010, 8:00 PM DeLaPlana nice
4/2/2010, 10:00 PM De cadi cadi decent
4/3/2010, 8:00 PM Société Asiatique Failed
4/3/2010, 10:00 PM Başka Biri Olacaksın~ decent