Edge of Reality / Copenhagen Schedule

This page shows you the scheduled shows of contestants in this competition.

Date Artist
5/16/2010, 4:00 PM Davy Jones' Sneeze incredible
5/16/2010, 8:00 PM Vampire State Building earth shaking
5/17/2010, 6:00 PM 80 the ¢ity incredible
5/17/2010, 8:00 PM Castiel wonderful
5/21/2010, 12:00 PM Brazilian Roulette perfect
5/21/2010, 6:00 PM PAMELA pleasant
5/21/2010, 8:00 PM Demon of the Heaven terrific
5/22/2010, 12:00 PM Órelindë ™ terrific
5/22/2010, 8:00 PM THE SECRET MACHINES perfect
5/22/2010, 10:00 PM Aca Lukas horrendous
5/23/2010, 12:00 PM SeekTheRed revolutionary
5/23/2010, 2:00 PM Solanum lycopersicum incredible