Feel the ELECTRIC waves Schedule

This page shows you the scheduled shows of contestants in this competition.

Date Artist
9/1/2007, 4:00 PM partyPEOPLE.hu pleasant
9/2/2007, 10:00 PM Thecooler abysmal
9/4/2007, 2:00 PM Dj. Teber above average
9/4/2007, 10:00 PM <BraiNfuCk> below average
9/5/2007, 2:00 PM UMEK decent
9/5/2007, 8:00 PM ♪♪ Colypso ♪♪ mediocre
9/6/2007, 12:00 PM 46 Fans horrendous
9/7/2007, 2:00 PM Nabukanazar horrendous
9/7/2007, 4:00 PM Skyler Failed
9/7/2007, 6:00 PM Interlude sweet
9/7/2007, 8:00 PM yavru melek Failed
9/7/2007, 10:00 PM EMPUSA terrible