Vilniaus gaisrinė

The fire station is extremely important to the well being of a city. Without a fully operational fire station cities won't be able to fight fires which can cause massive damage to a city or individual inhabitants.

Basic Info

Locale Type: Fire Station
City: Vilnius
City Zone: Senamiestis (Center of Town)
Management: Vilniaus miestas
Quality: 50
Condition: perfect
Cash: 12,949,435.70 M$

Note from the Management

• Jeigu pastebėjote gaisrą Vilniuje, praneškite apie tai čia: 1450738.1.

• Neoficialių ugniagesių sąrašas: 1450738.2.

• If you notice a fire in Vilnius, please report it here: 1450738.1.

• List of unofficial firefighters: 1450738.2.

Naudingos nuorodos / Useful links
💉 [Doctor] Pagalba sergantiems 2028713.1
👠 [Market] Turgelis 2029570.1
💬 [Chat] Plepalai 2071405.1
🎁 [For beginners] Nemokamos knygos ir instrumentai naujokams 2149064.1