Zonked Records
The recording studio is where artists record tracks of their songs. You'll find everything you'll need to book a recording session here, or any other record studio, over on your artist page.
Although it's possible to record a track in any recording studio, it's probably a good idea to contact the people you have signed a contract with first, since they might offer you discounts and other special treatment.
If you don't have a record contract yet, please contact the management of a suitable recording studio to have them offer you one. You must have a record contract to actually release your recorded tracks to the public.
Note from the Management
Welcome to ZONKED Records, contact CEO Joey Wognum, if you have any questions or you need a new record contract.
-100% discount on recordings
- Single: 1 every 28 days
- Album: 1 every 112 days, songs must have higher possible fame
- Submit record 1 week before release to allow time to order CD's,You must have at least (5/26) fame in cities.
Bem-vindo a ZONKED Records, converse com CEO Joey Wognum se você tiver alguma dúvida ou precisa de um novo contrato.
-100% De desconto em gravações
- Single: 1 a cada 28 dias
- Álbum: 1 a cada 112 dias, as canções devem ter maior fama possível
-Enviar disco 1 semana antes da liberação para dar tempo de encomendar os CD's, você deve ter, pelo menos, (4/26) fama nas cidades.