All you need is love! Yet sometimes some spiritual guidance or plain old fear of the almighty is necessary to set things straight... for some people at least. That is why there are temples in this world. Come here to say your prayers, meditate, and reflect on the world around us.
Latusek, oddaj dziecko!
Note from the Management
Witamy w Warszawie!
Szukasz lekarza? - 1895055.1
Masz pytania? - 2086706.1
Pracujesz długo dla miasta? Weź udział w loterii! - 2184469.1
Jeżeli potrzebujesz kogoś do udzielenia ślubu, skontaktuj się z jednym z naszych kapłanów.
Welcome to Warsaw!Looking for a doctor? - 1895055.1Do you have any questions? - 2086706.1Do you work for the city for a long time? Take part in the lottery! - 2184469.1If you are looking for someone to marry you and your beloved one, contact one of our priests.