Wine and Cherry

Are you ready to embark on new adventures, meet people who share your interests and develop your role-playing skills? We would like to give you a brief introduction to our Wine and Cherry tribe. Our tribe supports storytelling and narrative role-playing, offers opportunities for beginners to improve themselves. Those who enjoy the experience can make new acquaintances or inspire us with their ideas. This is a social club where people with common interests gather to share their experiences and inspirations. Our club events will include role-playing tasks, utilize forums, Discord channels, blogs and similar tools.

If you would like to join us on this journey, you can check out the invitation link below.

Founders: Kurt Russell | Blair Kaiser | Vita Tynilä

Club Information
Created: 6/27/2024
Leader: A. Kaiser
Club House: Wine and Cherry HQ
City: Porto
Management: Wine and Cherry
Size: 94 members
Accepts applications: Yes

Regarding social clubs

A social club is a place where people gather to fraternize and share common interests. The only way of becoming a member of a social club is to be invited by the club leader. All social clubs have a club house where the members meet.

VIPs can be a member of up to five social clubs at the same time, while non-VIPs can only be a member of one.