Most Achievement Points

These are the members with the most achievement points.

Name Points Achievements
1 E. God 3600 208
2 N. Skywalker 2990 173
3 O. Skywalker 2945 172
4 A. Bittersweet 2500 160
5 S. Moon 2420 169
6 C. Morales 1050 79
7 A. Croft 955 85
8 B. Torres 900 82
9 L. Di Palma 895 77
10 M. Spada 890 70
11 C. Corsentino 675 59
12 S. Cleaves 615 53
13 C. Graham 615 50
14 K. Torres-Baez 550 51
15 D. Devas 505 44
16 Z. Allan 495 43
17 A. Carter 460 42
18 X. Williams 425 38
19 E. Torres 405 38
20 E. Sweet 290 27
21 Z. MacMillan 190 18