Musical Genre Ranking

Current rank of all musical artists represented in the social club, separated by genre.

African Music

# Rank Artist
1 117 Aile jeti

Country & Western

# Rank Artist
1 173 Lost On Universe


# Rank Artist
1 630 somewhere far away


# Rank Artist
1 59 Gypsy in Pink
2 170 Flaming Lips

Heavy Metal

# Rank Artist
1 884 Kittens and Elves

Modern Rock

# Rank Artist
1 647 Dancing Queen


# Rank Artist
1 375 Nil ve Ötesi
2 728 Nanik
3 1083 Boğaç Zamanı
4 1309 Çmzrhbr


# Rank Artist
1 89 Rasta Breeze
2 147 Borgias
3 159 Shagadelic Sensation


# Rank Artist
1 161 Les Feuilles Mortes
2 699 The Low Keys
3 1053 Satranç Ekibi (Chess Crew)
4 1542 Kızıl Gezegen
5 1560 Lisa